发布时间:2024-02-22【字体: 大 中 小 】
在全球范围内,干旱和半干旱区土壤碳含量约695 Pg C ~ 940 Pg C,是全球碳收支的重要组成部分,具有调节气候变化的潜力。尽管对干旱区土壤有机碳的全球分布及其对气候和土地利用变化的响应的研究日益广泛,但尚未达成共识。在中国科学院的资助下,我们将组织一期关于“一带一路”沿线国家关于干旱区生态系统土壤碳循环前沿知识培训班。通过理论研究、室内试验和野外调查相结合的方式,让“一带一路”沿线国家的青年学者全面了解干旱生态系统土壤碳循环的基础知识,从而促进“一带一路”国家之间的科教合作。
1. 干旱区生态系统土壤碳循环的基础知识和过程
2. 全球和区域干旱区生态系统中土壤有机碳的分布与储量
3. 干旱区生态系统中土壤无机碳分布与储量控制因素
4. 不同干旱区生态系统中土壤有机碳循环的特征与模式
5. 全球气候变化对土壤碳循环的影响及关键因素
6. 退耕还林对土壤碳循环的影响及关键因素
7. 生态工程对黄土高原碳循环的影响
8. 土壤碳分解培养实验培训
9. 生态系统二氧化碳交换与测量基础知识培训
10. 经典土壤碳循环模型的介绍与应用
11. 加速器质谱技术在土壤碳研究中的应用
12. 国家观测研究站实地考察
1. 您的年龄应在 18 岁至 40 岁之间(含 40 岁),身体健康;
2. 从事生态学、环境科学或气候变化相关研究2年以上;
3. 具备一定的生态学、环境和气候变化研究能力,并提供相关证明,如发表的文章或学位论文;
4. 研究生需提供导师同意函和推荐函;
5. 具备中文或英文听、说、读、写能力;
6. 不携带家属;
7. 申请者应对华友好,在培训期间,遵守中华人民共和国的相关法律、法规,尊重中国的风俗习惯。
陈骥 研究员:chenji@ieecas.cn
张怡晅 博士:zhangyixuan@ieecas.cn
周嘉聪 博士:zhoujiacong@ieecas.cn
The International Training Program on Soil Carbon Cycling in Arid Ecosystems along the Belt and Road Countries
About the program
Globally, arid and semi-arid soils contain from ~695 Pg C to 940 Pg C of carbon, representing an important component of the global C budget with potential for mediating climate change. Despite the extensively increasing studies on the global distribution of SOC in arid regions and its responses to climate and land use changes, no consensus has been reached. As sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences, we will organize a training course on the emerging ground-breaking and cutting-edge knowledge on soil carbon cycling in arid ecosystems along the Belt and Road countries. Through a combination of theoretical studies, laboratory experiments, and field investigations, we aim to provide young scholars from Belt and Road countries with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental knowledge on soil carbon cycling in arid ecosystems. Ultimately, this program is also designed to stimulate scientifical and educational cooperation among the Belt and Road countries.
Training course information
1. Fundamental knowledge and processes on soil carbon cycling in arid ecosystems
2. Distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in global and regional arid ecosystems
3. Controls on the presence and storage of soil inorganic carbon in arid ecosystems
4. Characteristics and patterns of soil organic carbon cycling in various arid ecosystems
5. Effects of global climate change on soil carbon cycling and the key factors
6. Effects of land conversion on soil carbon cycling and the key factors
7. Effects of ecological engineering on carbon cycling in the Loess Plateau
8. Training on laboratory incubation experiment on soil carbon decomposition
9. Training on fundamental knowledge on ecosystem CO2 exchange and measurements
10. Introduction and application of classical soil carbon cycle model
11. Application of accelerator mass spectrometry technology on soil carbon research
12. Field trip to national observation and research station
Eligibility -Applicants should fulfil the following specific requirements:
1. Your age should be between 18 and 40 (inclusive) and in good health;
2. You should be major on ecology, environmental science, or climate change-related research for more than 2 years;
3. Demonstrate competence in ecology, environment and climate change study, with relevant proof required such as published articles or a thesis;
4. Postgraduates must provide letters of consent and recommendation from their supervisors;
5. Be proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing in either Chinese or English;
6. Invitations are not extended to dependents or family members;
7. Applicants should be friendly to China, abide by relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and respect Chinese customs during the training period.
Important dates
Application deadline: April 20, 2024.
Classes: July 15 – July 28, 2024.
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China.
World-famous scholars on soil carbon cycling in arid ecosystems.
Fees & Payment
We will cover all travel expenses, including round-trip airfare to China, local transport and accommodation, meals, and insurance within China to accepted applicants.
How to apply
Applicants must submit the application and any other required information to Dr. Jiacong Zhou, zhoujiacong@ieecas.cn.
Any inquiries regarding the program can be directed to
Prof. Ji Chen: chenji@ieecas.cn
Dr. Yixuan Zhang: zhangyixuan@ieecas.cn
Dr. Jiacong Zhou: zhoujiacong@ieecas.cn